The Word This Week

Revelation 4:1...

Jesus had provided John the outline of The Book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ. He had been instructed to write, “the things which you have seen, the things which are, and the things which will take place after this.”

Having completed the first two portions of that outline, John now moves on to writing the third.

We now have before us the seven years which will take place after the Church age, and then on into the Millennial Reign of the Lord Jesus Christ.

In the intervening seven years prior to the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ, we read of God’s wrath being poured out upon this evil world in what is known of as The Tribulation.

If we are paying close attention, we will notice there is no further mention of the Church until we arrive at the discussion of the marriage supper of the Lamb in chapter 19.

This is proof – and there are many other proofs as well – which lead us to understand something has happened to the Church, and that something is what we refer to as ‘The Rapture of the Church.’

We see it here, in the first two verses of chapter 4. John, upon hearing the trump of God, is caught up to heaven and into the very throne room of God, from which he is shown the things which must take place after this – and he writes them down faithfully as instructed that all may have complete prior warning God’s judgment upon the world – to reclaim it for Himself.

The question is: Are you paying attention? God never brings judgment without long periods of prior warning – because He is longsuffering, and because He desires all those He knows will be saved to be saved. Is that you?

Pastor Bill