The Word This Week
Revelation 11:15...
Following the announcement of the completion of the second woe – which was the appearing of a 200-million-strong demonic army at the sounding of the sixth angel’s trumpet, we had a pause in the literary procession describing the unfolding judgments.
This pause, known of as a parenthesis, allowed John to inform his readers, (us,) what was taking place WHILE the seven seal judgments and six of the seven trumpet judgments were taking place.
This parenthetical description is so vivid it allows us to understand now where we are in the seven-year period of time known of as the Tribulation. We are at the mid-point, three and one-half years since the signing of the covenant prophesied by Daniel which allowed the Jews to construct their apostate temple on the Temple Mount, alongside the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque.
The development which triggers the onset of the ‘Great Tribulation,’ (the second three-and-one-half-year period of time,) is the Antichrist entering the Holy of Holies and declaring himself to be God. This was prophesied by both Daniel and the Lord Jesus Christ, and is known of as, “the abomination of desolation.”
All of this is the “second woe,” (of three,) described by angel flying through the midst of heaven in Revelation 8:13.
And now the second woe is past, and the third woe is coming quickly.
And then the seventh trumpet sounds, which will bring a level of destruction upon the earth no one could survive unless those days were shortened.
But before those events are described, another parenthesis is provided to allow us to understand God is in control, and the tragic events about to unfold are not going to bring about the end of anything but sin – and a new beginning where righteousness reigns.
Pastor Bill
Following the announcement of the completion of the second woe – which was the appearing of a 200-million-strong demonic army at the sounding of the sixth angel’s trumpet, we had a pause in the literary procession describing the unfolding judgments.
This pause, known of as a parenthesis, allowed John to inform his readers, (us,) what was taking place WHILE the seven seal judgments and six of the seven trumpet judgments were taking place.
This parenthetical description is so vivid it allows us to understand now where we are in the seven-year period of time known of as the Tribulation. We are at the mid-point, three and one-half years since the signing of the covenant prophesied by Daniel which allowed the Jews to construct their apostate temple on the Temple Mount, alongside the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque.
The development which triggers the onset of the ‘Great Tribulation,’ (the second three-and-one-half-year period of time,) is the Antichrist entering the Holy of Holies and declaring himself to be God. This was prophesied by both Daniel and the Lord Jesus Christ, and is known of as, “the abomination of desolation.”
All of this is the “second woe,” (of three,) described by angel flying through the midst of heaven in Revelation 8:13.
And now the second woe is past, and the third woe is coming quickly.
And then the seventh trumpet sounds, which will bring a level of destruction upon the earth no one could survive unless those days were shortened.
But before those events are described, another parenthesis is provided to allow us to understand God is in control, and the tragic events about to unfold are not going to bring about the end of anything but sin – and a new beginning where righteousness reigns.
Pastor Bill