The Word This Week

Mark 12:28…

At least one of the scribes was impressed by Jesus passing the inspection of the religious leaders of the Jews. In his mind, Jesus had answered them well.

Just imagine the softening taking place in this man’s mind and heart. He knew the scribes and elders, and then the Pharisees and Herodians, and then the Sadducees were doing nothing more than attempting to intimidate Jesus by contriving to ask Him questions for which there were no good answers. They were attempting to find fault with Jesus in such a way as to make His followers and even bystanders find fault with Jesus as well.

(This was the inspection for perfection of our Passover Lamb, come to take away the sins of the world. (Even the sins of these unscrupulous inspectors.))

But just as Jesus had impressed the crowd of followers and bystanders by His incredible answers which only served to prove Him to be the Messiah, this scribe was impressed.

This is the place of the skeptic being transformed into a believer. All of us come to Jesus as unbelievers seeking answers to the great questions of life. (Even children.) It isn’t that we’re against Jesus necessarily – it’s that we just don’t know Jesus. This scribe is at least willing to listen to Jesus, which separates him from his fellow scribes – at least by appearance. (They may have been secretly willing to listen to Jesus as well.)

We already know religion doesn’t have answers to the great questions of life. What answers can Jesus provide? Are you willing to ask Him? He isn’t offended by our honest questions.

This is an honest question being asked by this scribe. What is the first (greatest) commandment of all?

Reality: It has become apparent to everyone no one can keep the whole Law. Which ONE should I concentrate on keeping to be in good standing with God? This is the question religion poses. Jesus answers with relationship.  

If your life has progressed to the point you are genuinely seeking to keep the Law of God, stop.

The whole of the Law is only kept by loving God and loving your fellow man.

Pastor Bill