Young Adults Bible Study
If you are looking to grow and deepen your faith, join us for our Young Adults Bible Study which is held once a month. We alternate locations and dates so please check back this page to see when and where the Bible Study will be held. Our next Bible Study is on November 9th, 2024 at 6p.m. We are going through the Book of 1 Samuel and this month we will be studying through Chapter 3. We will be meeting at the following address:
20086 Eagle Stone Dr
Estero FL 33928
This is a gated community, so if you are going, please let me know so that you can be added to the list.
If you have any questions feel free to contact Pastor Damien at 239.888.9289
20086 Eagle Stone Dr
Estero FL 33928
This is a gated community, so if you are going, please let me know so that you can be added to the list.
If you have any questions feel free to contact Pastor Damien at 239.888.9289

Upcoming Events
Potluck - November 17th, 2024
It's that time of year again: Thanksgiving! Come and join us as we reflect on the goodness of the Lord and fellowship together during this amazing time of year. This is a potluck, if you are able, please bring something to eat to share with each other.

Potluck - December 15th, 2024
Christmas Party! Need I say more!?! Mark this one down on your calendars. It's gonna be a great time. We'll also be having a white elephant gift exchange on this one. More information to come. See you there!
SFYA Conference - Jan. 31 - Feb. 1
Our Christianity is more than a title — Jesus came to completely transform our lives!
The purpose of this conference is to help you know the true and living God personally, know the truth of His Word, and to equip you with the practical knowledge to live for Christ in...
The purpose of this conference is to help you know the true and living God personally, know the truth of His Word, and to equip you with the practical knowledge to live for Christ in...

Growing Together as the Body of Christ
Sharing a common desire to become more like Jesus, Young Adults meet up on a once-a-month basis to fellowship and grow with one another.
We are currently going through the Book of 1 Samuel. We are starting @7pm and encourage everyone to bring something to share.
We are currently going through the Book of 1 Samuel. We are starting @7pm and encourage everyone to bring something to share.
Go Deeper
Our desire for you is to grow in your relationship with Jesus. To this end, we present to you the following below. We hope and pray it will be edify you.

CARM stands for the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry. Its purpose is to equip Christians, defend the faith, and reach the lost for Jesus. CARM offers a concise, comprehensive explanation of the Christian faith along with a logical analysis of errors in popular beliefs, both secular (atheism, humanism, etc.) and sacred (Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witness, Catholicism, etc.). View Website

Our online streaming station servers to grow you in the knowledge of the truth. We have a variety of solid Bible teachers playing throughout the day. Different Pastors teaching almost 24/7. If you are not using this amazing resource you are definitely missing out. Listen now is a ministry of dedicated and trained servants who have a desire to assist others in their understanding of God, Scripture, salvation, and other spiritual topics. With over 7,800 answers to frequently asked Bible questions published online, approximately 85% of the questions we are asked already have answers available to you instantly. Got Questions? The Bible has answers. We’ll help you find them.
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View Website

Blue Letter Bible provides powerful tools for an in-depth study of God’s Word through our free online reference library, with study tools that are grounded in the historical, conservative Christian faith. View Website

Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ effectively. We focus on providing answers to questions about the Bible—particularly the book of Genesis—regarding key issues such as creation, evolution, science, and the age of the earth.
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View Website

Creation Ministries International is a group of non-profit ministries in several countries. Our role is to support the church in proclaiming the truth of the Bible and thus its Gospel message. We provide real-world answers to the most-asked questions in the vital area of creation/evolution, where the Bible is most under attack today—Genesis. View Website

Students in our churches are often ill-prepared for the challenges to their faith that they experience in college. Some of these students are able to wrestle with these challenges and make their faith their own. However, most do not. We think that the apologetics goes beyond defending the faith. Ratio Christi uses apologetics to share the Gospel and to strengthen Christians for the challenges that we face on college and university campuses. View Website

Bible Gateway is a searchable online Bible in more than 200 versions and 70 languages that you can freely read, research, and reference anywhere. With a library of audio Bibles, a mobile app, devotionals, email newsletters, and other free resources, Bible Gateway equips you not only to read the Bible, but to understand it. View Website