The Word This Week

The Volume of the Book

In His high holy prayer to the Father in John 17:5, Jesus prayed, “And now Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was.”

What could this possibly mean but Jesus is eternal?

It then makes perfect sense, as David declared prophetically of Jesus in Psalm 40:7, and the author of Hebrews picks up repeats in Hebrews 10:7, “In the volume of the Book, it is written of Me.”

Could this possibly mean we find Jesus alive in the Old Testament – and existing prior to His birth announced in Luke 1 by the angel Gabriel?

Not only do hundreds of Messianic prophecies span the pages of the Old Testament, but we also see many appearances of Jesus Christ in pre-incarnate form – referred to by Bible scholars as ‘Theophanies,’ which literally means, ‘God appearing.’

So by the time Jesus is born into to human form as a baby, His existence has been established across the pages of the Old Testament.

What could this possibly mean but Jesus is eternal?

We are left then to answer the question: Why did Jesus enter human a frame?

Pastor Bill