The Word This Week

Luke 11:14…

Jesus had just given them the form of prayer which sincerely focused on God’s will being accomplished by His kingdom coming here on earth.

Here Jesus emphasizes what that may be like.

As Jesus was casting out a demon which held its captive mute, the mute person freed of the demon began to speak…

That was too much for the enemy’s kingdom to remain silent about. The representatives of the enemy spoke out proclaiming the source of Jesus’ power, knowing all the while His power was from the kingdom of God.

Why then would the enemies of Jesus attribute Jesus’ power to Beelzebub?

The answer is because they knew if Jesus’ power could be assumed to be from Beelzebub people would be in horror and fear rather than in awe of God’s kingdom come.

Of all the things I appreciate so much about Jesus, it is often the sheer logic and simplicity of His arguments I admire most.

Notable here is the recognition there are two kingdoms on earth, and we determine which kingdom we are of. The fact these bald-faced liars attribute the source of Jesus’ power to Beelzebub tells us everything we need to know about which kingdom they are of.

Here comes the logic from Jesus: Any kingdom divided against itself cannot stand.

It makes no sense to think Satan, (Beelzebub in this case,) would oppose himself by driving out any demon from anyone. The truth is Satan, if he could, would never drive himself out of anyone, but takes up permanent residence. Once driven out, his demonic kingdom would have been defeated. That is inarguable.

Therefore, whose kingdom has driven out Satan’s kingdom? The answer is simple. Satan is a strongman and may even be regarded as the strongest ‘man’ in worldly confusions and denials of even the existence of God, or perhaps in the defense of traditional religious practice as we see here.

What does it tell us traditional religious practice constantly opposes the supernatural power of Jesus?

Whose kingdom is atheism, agnosticism and religious practice therefore of?

Pastor Bill